Friday, November 27, 2009

Darwin and the Evolution of the Retro-Progressive Web

Today I went for a long run and stopped twice at the Darwin exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in DC. Today was the day that I also realized that Darwin's evolution applies to the World Wide Web.

Charles Darwin was a very smart and inquisitive naturalist, a pioneer in a field no one thought could be possible. A non-literary student who never liked attending school, he set off a five-year sailing excursion aboard the Beagle on June 1834 and came home discovering a controversial and revolutionary theory of evolution that shocked the scientific world in the mid 19th century.

Darwin believed and provided very compelling and supportive evidence that species of all kinds evolve over the years from common ancestors. (Darwin exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History.) The factors that affect how a species evolves include natural selection, artificial selection and the environment.

  Although, I am not fully sold on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, I am impressed by his work, research and writings. Perhaps even more by his spirit and drive to discover and to learn something remarkable about this amazing thing called life.

   I am convinced also that that many animal and plants have evolved based on the environment in order to survive and thrive. Survival of the fittest is not just about organisms and biology -- the term can be applied loosely to life in general -- the economy, our work environment and the culture by which we thrive and abide.

    Likewise, the internet has evolved dramatically over the last several years. Like many things invented or discovered, the internet began as the solution to a problem. The government was looking for a way to link several computer networks together. During the 1980s, the internet started as a source for the public to conduct research from companies or news agencies. The growth was dramatic. Since the Information Superhighway developed in the early 90's, companies and agencies have used the internet to market themselves, provide the latest market information and to sell their products.

     So the internet is now 20-something, innovative, retro-progressive and simply unstoppable. What's the next techno evolution? A new gadget, widget or application? Not quite, it's the maturation of the internet, and a new cyber-species has formed.
Today with the advent and reinvent of Web 2.0, the public is no longer just the consumers -- we are becoming more and more the producers, the directors and main characters. Meanwhile, the companies are now becoming the consumers – participating in social media in order to gauge what their customers are thinking and saying about their products.

   So as the internet today is vastly different than the internet of yesterday, we must no longer use the internet like we have been doing over the last decade.
Here is the Top Ten things of what you should be doing or consider doing with social media now, on a regular basis. This list not all inclusive, but it's a good framework to start from

     1) Facebook is not just habit-forming but productivity disguised as addiction – take a few minutes each day to scroll through and visit: see what your friends and acquaintances are doing and what they are broadcasting. Who knows, you might actually learn a thing or two (especially if your friends are more progressive than you). Try to provide encouraging, value-added comments regularly. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, on order to reach Self-Actualization there are four components that must be fulfilled first. Esteem, Social, Safety and Physiological Needs. Facebook is a great venue to help fulfill a person social needs. It gives you an opening to so many people you cannot always have physical contact with. Use Facebook birthday reminders weekly (to send well wishes or to mail a virtual bday gift) and try to visit a friend’s Facebook page before meeting up with him/her so that you can be knowledgeable about their family and personal matters ahead of your visit -- they will be highly impressed (or even shocked), and the visit will be more rewarding and at the very least, less embarrassing (Don't forget to use your FB app on your Iphone).

Don't just close the browser window, broadcast it. When you see an article that you like, don’t just close your browser when done or bookmark on your computer – bookmark the article and share your thoughts with others, using Facebook, Twitter, or Digg.
By sharing articles that you find interesting, you are also creating a profile for yourself so that the internet can better learn about you and better cater to your specific needs as well as to the needs of others within the network. Trust me -- the more the Web knows you, the less you'll have to do.

RSS means one day your own individualized internet. Consider signing up for an RSS feed.
As the web is evolving, we no longer need to actively search online for information regularly. The information that we will enjoy reading should come find us -- all a part of smarter, more tailored internet.

Podcasting is not Dead -- it's a sleeping bear. This topic dovetails nicely with RSS. What is a podcast -- piece of audio or video content that is delivered by an RSS feed which can be downloaded automatically to your Ipod. If you listen to your Ipod while commuting on a bus/train or when walking, consider signing up for a podcast to some of your favorite talk shows -- I personally, like to listen to NPR.
Then everyday, just synch up your Ipod and you automatically have your programming downloaded and ready to go.

Because other people already know and knowledge sharing should be free. Before doing something new or something you are not too familiar with, go online, check
Ehow or to read about how other people have conducted the same tasks. Instructions written by layman and critiqued and enhanced by the general public are normally more readable and relevant than instructions provided in sterile textbooks or instruction manuals. If you have a skill or experience doing something, no matter how mundane, consider sharing it on these social media sites also. You will be adding on to your profile (remember letting the internet know that you are actually a quasi-expert in something relevant) while helping others all across the globe live a fuller, richer life.

     6) Again nice dovetail to info sharing.
YouTube is not just about videos of your children on summer break or the latest music videos. It's Ehow on steroids or just a more visual search engine than Google.

V That's right -- YouTube is not just music videos, entertainment and family videos. YouTube and other video-sharing sites provides a wide array of practical and helpful instructions and tutorials from how to install hardwood flooring to how to do your income taxes. It's fun, free, amusing and the info is more likely to stick and sink in, because now you're taping into audio, visual and perhaps even tactile.

Don't scrape your knee when someone has already taken the fall. If you have a specific or broad question to ask (that are not too personal), don't just ask a relative or a friend in a silo, consider going social and tapping into the vast network of advice seekers and advice givers on Ask Yahoo or That way, everyone gets to see your question (You're anonymous except your Avatar, of course), and everyone gets to chime in. Ask a question about any topic you can think of. How to make bread with yeast, input on what school you want to go to. You have at your finger tips the answers from millions of people who may have done the same things themselves

Cloud Computing means we're no longer operating from Earth. Instead of working exclusively from your desktop in a silo or even in a company network, upload some of your collaboration documents on
Google Docs, or other web-based content management vendors. This portal is ideal if you are collaborating as a team. Also it's cheaper and more efficient that having to purchase additional computers, software, than having to manage the content internally. In terms of email, Cloud Computing will be welcomed by your clients since you can send a link to the document instead of an attachment -- reducing file size and enhancing viewing restrictions and security. Desktop computing is metro. Cloud computing no longer a dream.

Consider slipping on Second Life, so that you can Shine in Real Life. The options for learning, observing, colloborating and simulating on
Second Life is limitless and in many ways, life-like. Second life allows you to explore, inquire, and learn so much about yourself, your teammates or whatever you set your mind to, that eventually, Second Life will replace many things we do in real life, and in the age of traffic and environmental impact, that's a good thing. Second Life also is very merciful and forgiving. If you've just woken up, you always look fresh and your clothes sharp and pressed. If you make a mistake, you won't go broke, get in a fight or go to jail. If you're lonely or feel footloose, but you have a ton of stuff to do, SL allows you to cook, do homework, laundry and walk the dog, all while your Avatar is living it up large in some beach resort in Bali sipping Mai Tai Highs -- and better yet, you'll be able to save your pennies to purchase something more everlasting in Real Life. Go Virtual for a Better World -- it's now a Reality.

The Blog is not just about Citizen Journalism -- it is about Civic Justice. Read a Blog – like this one, a blog can be chockfull of useful and relevant information that is fresh, unfiltered and individualized.
And if you like the ideas, take a few minutes to write something thoughtful. This will serve as valuable and insightful information not only for other readers, but also for the writer of the blog who definitely needs the inspiration to produce free content for the goodness of society.

     Just as how humans have conducted basic life activities such as walking, thinking, surviving which have all evolved extensively over the years, the way we utilize and unitize the world wide web for information gathering and decision making is also constantly improving, evolving and becoming more transformational.
    After all, the internet is no longer in its infancy, it is now 20-something and "Retro-Progressive." And only the best ideas will survive.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Top Five Aviation News Stories of 2009

The airline industry has suffered through a tough and unforgiving decade. From the economic effects arising from the ' to the current global recession to the swine flu, the downtrodden industry has taken a huge hit in virtually every front: global terrorism on American soil, global economic recessionand a global swine flu pandemic.
Even before the 9/11 attacks, the airline industry was experiencing significant losses and reduced ticket sales. After the attacks, airline share prices dropped sharply, which exacerbated the airlines' already bumpy financial situation.
To boost the fledging industry, the federal government provided an aid package of $10 billion in loan guarantees and $ 5 billion in short term assistance[i].

By 2006, the airline industry was just beginning to recover when it was hit again by another devastating volley. This time the global economic tsunami that started in late 2007 swept the airline industry putting a sharp halt to airline ticket sales.

With the worldwide recession hitting people’s pocketbooks, less people had the disposable income to fly leisurely. In addition, with the advance in technology and the speed of telecommunications, many companies began to discern the greater economic value of teleconferencing from their desktops over conducting face-to-face meetings. Moreover, the higher oil prices coupled with falling demand rocked the airline industry. In a sense, we had the makings of the perfect economic storm which severely affected the industry’s bottom line with a revenue downturn larger than that of 9/11[ii].

Surpisingly, despite the large financial market and auto bailouts that the federal government provided over the last year, the airline industry has yet to ask for a huge infusion of cash.

2009, the current year, started out as a tumultuous period for aviation accidents- one with a happy ending with everyone miraculously surviving and one with a tragic ending with total loss of life. Both stories garnered significant media coverage resulting in tremendous interest and concern regarding safety of flight from both Congress and the American people. Thus it is critical to start our assessment and market audit analyzing the most talked-about aviation news stories and discussing the qualitative effect it had on both the airline industry and air safety.

#1 Miracle on the Hudson
The most viewed aviation news story in the US in 2009 is luckily the most good news human interest story in this industry as far back as we can remember. CAPT Sully Sullenberger’s heroic actions and poise during the historic water landing into the frigid Hudson River created the most revered aviation icon since Amelia Earhart tried to fly around the world in 1937 becoming a champion for women’s causes and a hero for all Americans who aspire to change the world.
On Jan 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 was a scheduled flight from New York City to Charlotte, North Carolina. While on climb, the plane struck a flock of Canadian Geese resulting in compressor stalls and a loss of thrust for both engines.
When the crew discovered that the plane would not be able to reach any airfield from its location, CAPT Sullenberger turned the plane southbound and glided it over the Hudson River where it landed near the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier museum.
Immediately after the plane had been ditched into the river. All 150 passengers exited the plane via its wings or from an inflated slide deployed from the front from the right side passenger door. After twice walking the length of the cabin to confirm that no one remained inside, CAPT Sully Sullenberger was the last person to exit the aircraft.
CAPT Sullenberger and the crew were immediately recognized for their stellar and incredible performance under immense pressure saving the lives of everyone on board. Over the next several months, Sully became a national icon and an American hero for an industry that desperately needed good branding and persona recognition for someone who Americans can trust and admire. Today after writing a book and going on a busy speaking circuit delivering a potent message of professionalism and courage, Sully has returned to what he loves best – taking the stick in the cockpit taking responsibility of everyone’s safety and comfort within his own hands. For many flyers, there may be nothing more reassuring and inspiring than to sit in the plane and hear the voice of CAPT Sully on the PA system.
#2 Colgan Air Tragedy

Less than a month after the “Miracle on the Hudson”, Colgan Air Flight 3407 marked as the Continental Connection experienced the second year-to-date aviation accident in the state of New York. The commuter plane experienced significant ice buildup on the aircraft’s wings and windscreen shortly before the crash. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation showed that the pilot had failed numerous tests during his career suggesting that he may not have been adequately trained to respond to the emergency that led to the aircraft’s fatal descent. Crew fatigue was also a grave concern since both pilots spent the previous day and night at the Newark airport prior to the 9:18 pm departure[i].
(Photo from
Although the investigators focused on training, qualification and pilot fatigue, the media, the American public and Congress honed in on the shocking detail that Colgan Air pilots as well as many other regional aircrew face long commutes, low pay and second jobs. The analogy that resonated well with the public was the revealing comparison between a bus driver and a pilot: “Most people would be shocked to hear that the train or bus operator who ferries passengers to the airport makes a lot more money than the pilot who is responsible for all the lives onboard.” (Although true, this information can be misleading. Pilot pay per hour is higher than bus and train operators. The distinction is that bus and train operators can work overtime, while commercial air transport pilots are limited to 100 hours of lying in a month).
This low wage and sometimes lower skill labor situation prevalent within regionals is a tragic byproduct of the weakened economy and the overall impact on the airline industry that is struggling to streamline and pare down. As a result, many airlines have been forced to fly with more empty seats or cut back on the number of flights altogether as they watch customer traffic fall sharply from the sidelines. For many less-traveled routes, the major network airlines have shifted from the larger 100 to 150 body airplanes to the 50 to 70 seat regional jets or turboprops flown by their smaller affiliates. While the five U.S. network airlines posted a $4.4 billion operating loss over the past 12 months, the top 20 regional airlines amassed a $785 million profit.[ii] This is a tremendous and well-received silver lining for the current gloomy economic downturn. However, the regional pilots are still significantly underpaid compared to their counterparts who work the same hours for the big networks. Many of these pilots are forced to work a second job in the evenings in order to make ends meet resulting in a notable impact on crew rest and fatigue.
#3 Wayward Pilots Aboard Northwest

While the airline industry has come under scrutiny in the field of customer satisfaction, the sentiment and respect the American people have for pilots have for the most part remained unscathed. That is why the story of how two pilots overflew their Minnesota airport destination by 150 miles is almost unbelievable. Normally a story that did not have a tragic ending would not garner significant news interest during a busy news season. However, because the pilots denied falling asleep on the job and admitted doing personal work on their laptops, this questionable statement increased the sensationalism and shock value of this bizarre story. It is incomprehensible for many Americans even those who don’t know the slightest thing about aircraft handling to see how the pilots could over fly their destination by such a large degree. Since the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has revoked the license of both pilots, the Airlines Pilot Association (ALPA) has assumed the critical role in providing legal assistance and representation of the two pilots in any legal or administrative courts. However, due to the tremendous media interest, ALPA should also consider representing the pilots in the court of public opinion since this could have more impactful repercussions in the airline industry and flight safety overall.

#4 Swine and Airline
Another challenge to the airline industry was the spread of the swine flu. In late April 2009, when the first cases of H1N1 were reported in the United States, the World Health Organization declared a "public health emergency of international concern". Combined with the detrimental effects of the recession on ticket sales, the swine flu spelled deep trouble for the airlines.
The airline industry is very vulnerable to the spread of the swine flu and other bacterial-related communicable diseases which can be spread between humans by coughing, sneezing or by touching. The swine flu is most contagious during the first five days of the illness while children can be contagious for up to ten days[iii].
The swine flu could not have happened at a worse time for this industry. Sadly, more than any other sector, the airline industry was hit hardest by the H1N1 pandemic.
With the exception of Mexicana and other Mexico-based airlines, the US airline industry was impacted the most since the World Health Organization severely restricted travel to Mexico. Every U.S. network carrier flies to Mexico. Some airlines like Continental fly an average of 450 flights a week to Mexico.[iv]
Swine flu originated in the rural villages of Mexico and spread briskly throughout all parts of the world, through the freedom and free limits of air travel. Many customers who didn’t want to risk getting sick or getting inconvenienced, simply cancelled their flights to and from countries of concern. Meanwhile, the airlines had to waive change fees for passengers flying through Mexico and provided many refunds for those whose plans were turned around. The airlines industry faced a difficult time adsorbing lost revenue something that took many close to their breaking point. Since another outbreak of swine flu or other communicable diseases are distinct possibilities in the near future, the airline industry must be ready to incur and respond to more damages.
#5 Airlines Leveraging Social Media

Consumers have been using social media like My Space since the proliferation of Web 2.0 around the middle of this decade. Many customers found social media an effective tool to vent their annoyances and share their challenges and lessons learned with air travel. Seeing the enormous potential and instantaneous reach of social media, several airlines over the last year have began a massive campaign launching their own brand footprint into this previously-unchartered territory. These new media sites help airlines market their brand while interacting with customers simultaneously and at the same level. industries have an incentive to fill every seat on a flight. Not only does a full plane increase ticket sales, it gives the impression to flyers that their seats are in high demand. When there are last minute empty seats on a plane, some airline companies advertise these as hot deals on their Twitter page--filling otherwise empty seats while building customer loyalty.
Every airline company should measure loyalty and brand satisfaction. Using readily-available social networking sites is relatively fast, easy and cost effective. In addition, ALPA should measure what the American people are saying about safety in flight. Because flyers typically have a considerable amount of downtime waiting for planes to take-off, they often have time in their hands to tweet out their frustrations or satisfactions using their cell phones or PDAs.
The popularity of Twitter and other social media sites lends itself to innovative ways of measuring public sentiment across several geographic regions, relatively quickly and at very low costs. By codifying the language of tweets related to airline travel e.g. "Jetblue is a great company,” analysts are able to determine the opinion flyers have with particular airlines. In a study conducted in Oct 2009, it was determined that after reviewing all pertinent factors, Southwest had the hughest percentage of satisfied customers. [v]Incidentally, Northwest had the lowest percentage of positive tweets.
In addition to increasing customer loyalty, social media sites are increasing the airlines' responsiveness, which will be especially valuable in times of crises. We will likely never be able to prevent fatal airline crashes. When an airline does experience a tragic crash, they could quickly transition to crisis communication mode by providing the public with the latest search and rescue information on Facebook and Twitter. Friends and family members can also communicate with the airline staff and other stakeholders by posting questions directly to the airline or collaboratively to the entire public via use of the wall. The public may understand and accept the reason for the plane to crash. But the public will be more critical in evaluating how well and how quickly the airline is able to disseminate timely and accurate information to those concerned. If an airline is able to effectively utilize all mediums at their fingertips to reach out to friends and family and the American people, then they are mostly likely able to gain the respect and trust that they deserve.
Imagine if Twitter was invented prior to 9/11. If the passengers of the doomed United Flight 93 could tweet to the rest of the world that they had just been hijacked, that information could be critical and valuable for both rescue, remembrance and litigation.
Looking forward in this rocky economic environment, ALPA and stakeholders need to be fully cognizant of the top news stories past and present. How the public views the airline industry and how the airline industry responds to the latest news events and trends could set the right or wrong path for the future of commercial aviation in the United States. These second-tired effects would undoubtedly have a huge impact on the pilot labor market and thus determine which airline safety issues are negotiated and prioritized both in the air and within the halls of Congress.

[i] Makinen, Gail (Sept 27m 2002). "The Economic Effects of 9/11: A Retrospective Assessment", Congressional Research Service. pp. CRS-4
[ii] Mutzabaugh, Ben, “Airline Outlook Worsens; Impact of Crisis Larger than 9/11”, Sept 16, 2009
[iii] Polek, Gregory, “NTSB scrutinizes Pilot Actions in Q400 Crash Probe” Aviation International News, May 12, 2009.
[iv] Grossman, David, “Regional Airlines Thrive while the Big Boys Cut Back”, USA Today, Nov 3, 2009
[vi] Graves, Robert, “U.S. Carriers Cutting Service to Mexico”, MSNBC, May 1, 2009
[vii] Warren, Christina, “Analysis: Which Airlines do Twitter Users Prefer,” Mashable, the Social Media Guide, Oct 1, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why Social Media can Cut Costs and Save Lives

Consumers have been using social media since the advent of My Space in the middle of the decade to vent about some of the annoyances and challenges of air travel.

Seeing the enormous potential of social media, several airlines in the last year began a massive campaign launching their own footprint into social media taking advantage of this enhanced connectivity. These sites help airlines market their brand while interacting with customers.

Guitar Hero

When United Airlines damaged singer Dave Carroll's guitar and he responded with a YouTube song criticizing the company in July 2009, United's stock prices dropped. However, the use of social media is not about past mistakes but more about the ability to rectify your mistakes through communication and a company's ability to reach its customers.

It is important to note that the airline's stock price had already been falling prior to the success of the disapproving video. Interestingly, once United responded to the criticism--directly to its customers via Twitter no less--its stock prices shot back up nearly 50% in the next several weeks.

Some of this fluctuation can be attributed to the volatile nature of the airlines' stock prices in 2009. What is important to take away, is the airline's embrace of social media--many of these companies are leveraging a strong source of new and existing customers.

Airlines industries have an incentive to fill every seat on a flight. And an enormous base of followers on Twitter provides airlines with virtually free advertising to do just that. When there are empty seats on a plane, some airline companies advertise these as hot deals on their Twitter page--filling otherwise empty seats while building customer loyalty.

The popularity of Twitter and other social media sites lends itself to innovative ways of measuring public sentiment. By codifying the language of tweets related to airline travel e.g. "Jetblue is a great company" Northwest had the lowest percentage of positive tweets.

US Airways has a Facebook page with only 3,000 fans. In contrast, Southwest Jet Blue and Delta have 80,000, 50,000 and 10,000 fans, respectively. The latter have pages that are attractive and colorful, rich in content, and much more open to input from customers. The US Airways page, in contrast, is regulated heavily and only allows the company own posts on the wall.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Crisis Management

In addition to increasing customer loyalty, social media sites are increasing the airlines' responsiveness, which are especially valuable in times of crises. God forbid If an airline experienced a crash, they quickly transition to crisis communication mode by providing the public with the latest search and rescue information. Friends and family members can also communicate with the airline staff and other stakeholders by posting questions directly or to the entire public via use of the wall.

If we had Twitter during 9/11

Consider the impact that a social media site like Twitter would have had during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Now On Pictures and Video

The airlines' social media campaign does not end with Twitter and Facebook. Airlines have been turned on to spreading the idea of sharing their latest commercials and other promotional activity on YouTube. From Southwest's rapping airline attendant to more targeted efforts, these videos provide more opportunities to boost airline brands.

Airlines with Flickr pages share their pictures and allow anyone to comment on photos that have been uploaded by the airline company.

The opportunities for useful applications of social media sites are unlimited.

Imagine misplacing your camera or phone on a plane. Instead of having to make numerous and lengthy phone calls to the company, you could log on to the airline's Facebook page and post your message on the public wall. The site is monitored constantly by company representatives, which means that you will receive a response in a short time.